

This link relationship returns a collection of resources. You can easily paginate through this collection using the hypermedia links provided and the link relationships of first, prev, next, and last. Scroll down to view a representation of a single resource embedded within this collection.

Sandbox Example

You can interact with this resource and run actions against the sandbox API via our HAL Brower.


View a list of fraud_protections
Create a new fraud_protection
Get just the header response
Get a response explaining which HTTP methods are supported

Example Representation

  "_links": {
    "curies": [
        "name": "fx",
        "href": "{rel}",
        "templated": true
    "self": {
      "href": "...",
      "title": "This Collection"
    "first": {
      "href": "...?offset=0",
      "title": "First Page of this Collection"
    "prev": {
      "href": "...?offset=0",
      "title": "Previous Page of this Collection"
    "next": {
      "href": "...?offset=0",
      "title": "Next Page of this Collection"
    "last": {
      "href": "...?offset=0",
      "title": "Last Page of this Collection"
  "_embedded": {
    "fx:fraud_protections": [...]
  "total_items": "5",
  "returned_items": 5,
  "limit": 20,
  "offset": 0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resource href="...">
  <link rel="self" href="..." title="This Collection"/>
  <link rel="first" href="...?offset=0" title="First Page of this Collection"/>
  <link rel="prev" href="...?offset=0" title="Previous Page of this Collection"/>
  <link rel="next" href="...?offset=0" title="Next Page of this Collection"/>
  <link rel="last" href="...?offset=0" title="Last Page of this Collection"/>
  <resource href="..." rel="">
    "properties": {
        "total_items": "5",
        "returned_items": 5,
        "limit": 20,
        "offset": 0
    "entities": [...],
    "links": [
            "rel": [
            "href": "..."
            "rel": [
            "href": "...?offset=0"
            "rel": [
            "href": "...?offset=0"
            "rel": [
            "href": "...?offset=0"
            "rel": [
            "href": "...?offset=0"
    "actions": [

Embedded Resource: fraud_protection


A fraud protection is a configuration of your fraud protection controls such as minFraud which allow you to set thresholds for when a transaction should be rejected based on the information known about the customer placing the order. We currently support MaxMind's minFraud, Google reCAPTCHA, as well as your own Pre-Payment Webhook.

To create a fraud protection, POST to the fraud_protections link relationship of a store. To enable that fraud protection on a payment method set, POST to the payment_method_set_fraud_protections link relationship using the self link relationship from this resource as the fraud_protection_uri.

Sandbox Example

You can interact with this resource and run actions against the sandbox API via our HAL Brower.


View a fraud_protection
Update a fraud_protection (send only the properties you want to modify)
Replace a fraud_protection (send the entire representation)
Delete a fraud_protection
Get just the header response
Get a response explaining which HTTP methods are supported


Property Description Type Constraints
type The type of this fraud protection String Required. Either minfraud, google_recaptcha, or custom_precheckout_hook.
description Description of this fraud protection String 100 characters or less, will default to Default Min Fraud.
json Configuration settings for some fraud protection systems. JSON Required for google_recaptcha and custom_precheckout_hook.
score_threshold_reject The score threshold used for minfraud. This should be set between 0 and 100. 0 will disable minFraud and 100 will turn it on for logging but still allow all transactions to go through. Integer Optional (0 to disable)
date_created The date this resource was created. Date Read only
date_modified The date this resource was last modified. Date Read only

json Properties for Google ReCAPTCHA as of 2017-08-30

Property Description Type Constraints
config Determines how reCAPTCHA is configured to operate. String Required. disabled, enabled_always, or enabled_by_errors
private_key Your Google reCAPTCHA Private Key String Required if using a custom subdomain, empty otherwise.
site_key Your Google reCAPTCHA Site Key String Required if using a custom subdomain, empty otherwise.

json Properties for Pre-Checkout Hook as of 2017-08-30

Property Description Type Constraints
enabled Whether or not the Pre-Checkout Hook is enabled. Boolean true or false, 1 or 0.
url Url of your Pre-Checkout Hook String Required.
failure_handling If your Pre-Checkout Hook is unavailabe for some reason, this setting determines if the checkout should be rejected or approved. String Required. reject or approve

Example Representation

    "_links": {
        "curies": [
                "name": "fx",
                "href": "{rel}",
                "templated": true
        "self": {
            "href": "",
            "title": "Google reCAPTCHA"
        "fx:store": {
            "href": "",
            "title": "This Store"
        "fx:payment_method_sets": {
            "href": "",
            "title": "Payment Method Sets for this store"
    "type": "google_recaptcha",
    "description": "Google reCAPTCHA",
    "json": "{\"private_key\":\"\",\"site_key\":\"\",\"config\":\"disabled\"}",
    "score_threshold_reject": 0,
    "date_created": "2015-05-27T08:59:54-0700",
    "date_modified": "2015-05-27T08:59:54-0700"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resource href="" rel="">
  <link rel="self" href="" title="Google reCAPTCHA"/>
  <link rel="" href="" title="This Store"/>
  <link rel="" href="" title="Payment Method Sets for this store"/>
  <description>Google reCAPTCHA</description>
    "class": [
    "properties": {
        "type": "google_recaptcha",
        "description": "Google reCAPTCHA",
        "json": "{\"private_key\":\"\",\"site_key\":\"\",\"config\":\"disabled\"}",
        "score_threshold_reject": 0,
        "date_created": "2015-05-27T08:59:54-0700",
        "date_modified": "2015-05-27T08:59:54-0700"
    "links": [
            "rel": [
            "href": ""
            "rel": [
            "href": ""
            "rel": [
            "href": ""

Zoomable Resources

This resource has no linked resources which can be "zoomed" in on, filtered and embedded within this resource.