The HAL Browser

This web-based interface makes browsing the API really easy. You can add your own OAuth tokens for testing your data as well as send custom HTTP requests such as PUT, POST, PATCH and DELETE. One of the best ways to get familiar with the data structure, the link relationships, and the Request/Response flow the API is to start here. To be clear, we did not develop this browser, it is a fork of Mike Kelly's HAL Browser. Mike is the author of the HAL media type.

View the FoxyCart hAPI HAL Browser

Interactive Link Relationships

We built this custom visualization to give you a better feel for the link relationships within our API. In many ways, it's the API's sitemap. As with all Hypermedia APIs, these link relationships are what your client application will be coding directly to, so it's important to get familiar with what link relationships are available to you. You can click on each circle to expand or contract the relationship tree. Clicking on a link relationship directly will open that resource's documentation in a separate window.

View the Interactive Link Relationships

FoxyClient PHP

The FoxyClient is the best way to get started with building an actual application. The FoxyClient Example code should be your starting point, specifically the bootstrap file. Please see the README there to get started.Currently we demonstrate how you can work with coupons and item_categories using the API.

View the FoxyClient PHP repo

API Client Builder

In the FoxyCart Admin under the integrations menu you can now use the Get Token button to create an OAuth client to obtain an OAuth access token, refresh token, client_id, and client_secret.

View the API Client Builder in the Admin

Foxy hAPI Content

We've put together some videos to demonstrate how to use these tools along with some blog posts of our journey towards building this hypermedia API. We hope you find them helpful!


Blog Posts